Week 1
We felt so blessed to bring Siena home from the hospital. The kids were really excited for Mommy and Daddy to come home with their new baby sister. The doctors were worried about her being jaundice, so we were able to come home as long as we promised to bring her to the doctor the next day. Her first week was a blur of doctor and at-home nurse visits. She did have to be put under the biliblanket for 2 days but her jaundice went away by the end of her first week and we had our healthy baby girl.
McKenna was super excited to hold her sister when we got home! (2 days old) |
Mason welcomed her home by letting her play with his NHL hockey puck! Wow, he must really love her! (2 days old) |
Grandma and Pa Pa Winter came to visit and brought dinner! (3 days old) |
Sooooo sleepy! 3 days old |
McKenna feeding the baby one of her first bottles of breast milk. Both did great! 4 days old |
Cousin Kieran meeting baby Siena! |
"Aunt" Sarah meeting baby Siena while she was on her biliblanket machine. |
Sarah and Jonah |
Week 2
Week 2 started out with Halloween (see pics in the last post). We didn't take Siena trick-or-treating but did take her to Grandma Winter's house for her famous Haunted Garage. Mommy and Siena stayed inside and visited with neighbors. Siena is still very sleepy this week. In fact, she is super hard to keep awake at all (probably side effects of Jaundice). She is a really good baby and has the sweetest, quietest cry!
Visiting with McKenna's friend, Rylie |
Visiting with Rylie's mommy, Diane |
Oh so sleepy! |
She barely opens her eyes, even when she is hungary! |
Yawn! |
Visiting with Grandma's neighbor, Beth, on Halloween |
Visiting with good family friend, Vicki |
Vicki's daughter, Jenny |
Neighbor, Morgan |
Proud big sister |
Meeting Grandma Frucci |
Cuddled up in Mommy and Daddy's bed |
Photo Shoot with Mommy
(11 days old)
A couple of pics from when the Wrabetz Family was here (see next post)
Week 3
She is finally starting to stay awake for an hour here and there. She is still doing well at night, waking about every 3 hours and then quickly going back to sleep. This week we were out and about often because when you have other children, it's tough to be locked away in the house! Both kids are helping as often as they can. Mason likes to go and get clean diapers and McKenna likes to hold the baby and is quick with a pacifier if she starts to fuss! Daddy likes to cuddle up and sleep with her or tease her by giving her his nose to suck on if he is hungry.
Mason's friend, Regan. Her family came and got the big kids so that Mommy and Daddy could have some alone time with the baby! That was the greatest gift ever! |
Siena's 1st Ole Girls Dinner
"Auntie" Linn |
"Auntie Emily" |
"Auntie" Sarah |
"Auntie" Jaime |
"Auntie" Renee
Meeting Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Vono |
Visiting with Grandma Vono - 88 years old |
Meeting Grandpa Vono - 93 years old |
Checking her out |
Photos by our friend, Renee Jones Schneider
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