Saturday, January 28, 2012

Siena's 3 months!

Siena is three months old already!  I can't believe how fast it all goes, especially knowing this is my last, it makes me kind of sad!  She is now awake a good portion of the day and sleeps at least 10 hours every night!  (We were lucky, she started doing 8-10 hrs at 6 wks.)  She is super happy, always smiley and loves to "talk" to everyone.  She is starting to refuse her pacifier and would rather suck on her left fist.  

Siena with Boo Boo Bear

Mason had to get into the action and get in a few pics!

A couple of close-ups

Big girl on her "Daddy Blanket"

More close-ups!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Amma Chris is 60!

Chris's birthday is on New Year's Eve...what a wonderful day to celebrate!  We all went over to Chris and John's early in the evening.  We were treated to an amazing dinner catered by Lake Elmo Inn and then we all stayed over at the Kipp's house and even had a great breakfast together!

Orin opened the night by playing his Cello for his mom - a perfect birthday gift!

Auntie Becky with the girls

Daddy and Mason

 Some group shots we took with the timer.  Notice Siena is sleeping...not dead! :)

 Grandma and Grandpa with their Grandkids

Adam and his Ma Ma!

The presentation of the cake...seriously the best chocolate cake I've ever had! :)

And on to New Year's Celebrations...

Birthday/New Year's Songs for Grandma

The next morning - HAPPY 2012!  Can you say....hangover?