Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Adam!

As many of you know, TODAY is Adam's Birthday!  I wish a very happy birthday to the most amazing husband and Daddy in the world.  We are so blessed to have you in our lives!  

We started a tradition the first year we were married where we made signs and hung them all over the house on the morning of each other's birthday.  I would get up early with some paper and markers and quickly make 8- 10 signs before waking him up. Well, it has evolved into using pictures and trying to be creative!  His signs are much funnier than mine, so I have to try and make them cute.  

This year I was super strapped for time (working, new baby, sick husband, etc.)  and couldn't use my normal scrap booking program because we got a new computer, but I was still able to whip some up!  

ENJOY...and please don't judge us!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Siena's Baptism

Siena was baptized on Sunday, February 12th.  It was a beautiful service with so many amazing family members in attendance.  She was perfect during the service, a little crabby for pics right after and then slept through most of her party.  She is so lucky to have 3 blessed godmothers - Becky Kipp, Rissy Kipp and Keeley Wrabetz.

St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Mahtomedi

Amazing organ

The only pic of my sister that I have and she came all the way from Denver! :- (

The whole group standing in front of church.

Siena's turn - She smiled the whole time! 

Our family with Pastor Brian Norseman after the service

The pastor with our family and all 3 Godmothers

Just our little family

Siena with her "Three Fairy Godmothers" as McKenna likes to call them!

Keeley Wrabetz - my sister's oldest daughter and also my Goddaughter

Rissy Kipp - Our sister-in-law, married to Orin

Becky Kipp - Our sister-in-law, married to Ben

Grandma Chris and Papa John

Grandma and Papa Winter

Great-Grandma Frucci

Ben and Becky got the most beautiful cake for us from Wollett's Bakery

Keeley made Cupcakes - Yum!

Party Pics...

The Princess..